Welcome to JAM Music School!

Our purpose

We are 2 people passionate about music. We exist to help people along in their musical journey, the main focus being having fun while learning and playing music.

What we do

We teach piano and saxophone lessons to people of all ages, all stages and from all walks of life. We teach a wide range of music styles/genres, ranging from classical pieces to Christian songs.

Judith Ong

Judith began her musical journey at a tender age of 4 years old, learning the organ for a year before switching to the piano. She obtained her grade 8 piano practical certification in 2007. Over the years, she has served on various church worship teams and currently plays regularly for Elim International Church. Apart from playing the piano, she also plays the drums, guitar and violin in her spare time. In addition, she enjoys writing and composing her own music.

Mark Galloway

Mark began his musical education learning the oboe at intermediate school before transitioning to the saxophone at college. He learnt classical music but also developed a love of jazz and played in a number of jazz combos. He completed a Bachelor of Music in jazz performance (saxophone) and also completed his Honours in jazz arranging and composition. He also studied classical piano and has completed his grade 8 piano exam. He plays regularly for Elim International Church and helps lead the creative team there.