
Despite the physical size making it near impossible to bring it easily from place to place, the piano/keyboard is actually one of, if not, the most versatile instrument. Almost everywhere you go, there would be a piano/keyboard that might be available for you to tinker on (e.g. school, church or friend's house).

At JAM Music School, we help teach you the following skills:

  • Sight reading so that you can confidently read and perform pieces that you would not have seen before
  • Understanding music theory (including Latin terms) so that you can develop your music knowledge
  • Using appropriate fingering so that you can play pieces smoothly and naturally
  • Playing pieces with expression so that you can convey your emotions and thoughts through music

We assist students with the internationally recognised music qualification offered by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) for those who are interested in taking exams.


The saxophone is commonly seen as a soulful instrument to play. After all, it is widely used in jazz music, among other styles.

At JAM Music School, we help teach you the following skills:

  • Sight reading so that you can confidently read and perform pieces that you would not have seen before
  • Understanding music theory (including Latin terms) so that you can develop your music knowledge
  • Developing tone and breath control so that you can make music effortlessly
  • Developing dexterity in fingers so that you can play pieces smoothly and naturally

We assist students with the internationally recognised music qualification offered by the ABRSM for those who are interested in taking exams.

Plans are underway for violin, guitar, drum and singing lessons to be offered, so be sure to keep an eye out!

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JAM Music School has great relationships with many stores that sell music equipment and resources. Our students are eligible for student discounts from the list of providers below. Get in touch if you’d like to know how to use your discounts!

Kingdom Music
Webb Group Education / Rockshop